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Jodie Anne Nielsen



Hello! I'm Jodie, Founder of Jodie Anne Fitness.


My journey with health & fitness started like so many others, with dieting. I tried every fad out there and nothing worked but what I did take away from this was my love for exercise! Over the past 6 years in the fitness industry, I have become extremely passionate about the importance of exercise, not only physically but mentally too. 


In 2020, Jodie Anne Fitness was born. I started out by teaching just two classes per week at the local community centre and I used my small home gym to run PT sessions. Fast forward 2 years and I now teach over 20 classes per week with the help of my amazing instructors Nova and Kaaren, I have elevated my PT sessions and I do it all in my very own Gym and Studio in Poole.


My goal as a trainer is to help you find your happiest self through exercise. My vision is that one-day people will see that exercise is not a reason to torture yourself, it’s a reason to come together as a community, be social and have fun! Be Fit, Fierce & Fabulous!​


Throughout the years I have helped people completely change their life. Whether it’s going from 27 stone to 12 stone, stopping addictions or learning to control their mental health all through the power of exercise.


Join me at the Jodie Anne Fitness Gym to discover your inner badass & build a body you love.


Hope to see you soon!


Jodie  x

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